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Revitalisation and promotion of the Oltenia minorities’ cultural heritage in the context of cultural diversity

Project promoter: Universitatea din Craiova

Project partners: • C. Brăiloiu Institute of Ethnography and Folklore MF Norwegian School of Theology, Norway

Project value: 170,464.98 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grants and 15% national budget): 753.540 lei (170,464.98 EUR)


Project summary

The project aimed to reevaluate the cultural history of the larger (Roma) or smaller minority groups in the south-west region of Oltenia (Macedonians, Jews, Italians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Czechs, Armenians, Albanians, Serbians) from a multidisciplinary perspective and to present it to a wider audience. Thus, the project contributed to the revitalization of this cultural heritage, including it in a cultural network accessible not only to specialists, but also to a wider audience.

Facts & figures

Research study regarding the culture of minorities in Oltenia region

  • 1 documentary component (the study of archives, of biographical sources, sociological studies, etc.) and 1 dynamic component represented by field research;
  • 300 people interviewed from the communities of ethnic minorities;
  • 3,000 copies distributed to institutions and relevant audiences. The study is also available online.

Production of goods and services related to cultural minorities, including Roma minority

  • The revitalization and promotion of cultural heritage of ethnic communities in Oltenia" collection
  • 1 permanent collection of the 10 ethnic groups: Roma, Macedonian, Hebrew, Italian, Bulgarian, Greek, Czech, Armenians, Albanians, Serbs;
  • 10 types of objects exposed: ethnic costumes, interior fabrics, decorative ceramics, utilitarian metal objects, specific religious objects, historical, cultural, social documents; ornaments, photos;
  • over 3,000 visitors.
  • 8 cultural evenings organized in Craiova
  • at least 30 participants for each event representing minority communities;
  • a diverse agenda for each event.


A summing-up of the cultural soirées is available here:


Project in the media