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History of Minorities – a cultural-artistic approach to diversity

Project promoter: Iași Municipality

Project partners:

  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iași
  • Pro Roma Association

Project budget: 158,805.78 EUR

Total grant (85% Grant SEE și 15% national budget): 702.001 lei (158,805.78 EUR)


Project summary

The project pleaded for mutual understanding of values, promotion of dialogue and cooperation between various cultures, promoting the intercultural society in which various ethnic groups interact. The activities developed in the project succeeded in promoting education through culture and art to a wide public, as well as the promotion of cultural history of minorities and art events with and about minorities.

Historical research of minorities

  • 1 scientific research;
  • 1 historical monograph "Iași - city of diversity" containing novel information about the ethnic groups in Iași;
  • 6 thematic conferences with the participation of 300 ethnic representatives.

Interethnic festival ”The diversity week in Iaşi”

  • 8 days festival and over 5,000 people attendance;
  • 1 tent to host book exhibitions, stands of the minority groups, ethnic poetry sessions and the release of an art album "History of minorities", with a total participation of 1,500 people;
  • 3 day music and dance shows with the performing of about 90 artists. More than 2,000 spectators applauded the Greek songs, the authentic Gipsy music, the Ukrainians, Armenian and Russian-Lipovans dances or the "klezmer" music interpreted by Hebrew artists;
  • 1 theatre performance of the Hebrew play “Restituţio Benjamin Fondane”;
  • 1 outdoor theatre performance of the Roma play "The window" with over 1,500 spectators. 

Cosmopolite fashion and painting exhibition

  • 7 unique collections assembled in a cosmopolitan fashion show;
  • catalogue of the Cohabitation exhibition available here;
  • 2 paintings by ethnic artists;
  • 00 guests and over 2,000 spectators.


The three-part film of the project is available here:


Project in the media