Public procurement

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Art for change

Project promoter: Teatru pentru Tine Association

Project partner: Actus Dramatikus Cultural Association

Project value: 15,209.99 EUR Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 60,300 lei (13,688.99 EUR)


Project summary

The project aimed to strengthen cultural dialogue, to protect European identity by understanding cultural diversity, including artists with disabilities and to accept them in society. The project supported the organisation of a festival dedicated to theatre, film, dance and music. The project partner brought the theatre experience, organising the artistic event "Get to know us before you judge us" and supported the promotion campaign and project activities.


  • 1 four-day festival organized;
  • 150 artists with and without disabilities, 20 Roma persons and 54 volunteers involved;
  • 800 participants to the festival.



Proiectul în media