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Rites of passage in the roma communities from Prahova District

Project promoter: The Museum of Natural Science, Prahova

Project value: 10,831.27 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 47,711.74 lei (10,831.27 EUR)

Project summary

The project identified a need within the Roma communities from the rural environment regarding the preservation of their cultural identity through the cultivation of traditions and making them known within the general public. The project focused on passage rites, behavior habits and the material culture of the communities of Roma people from Bălțești, Dițești and Izvoare in Prahova district. The objectives of the project envisaged the increase in documented information, in the printed number of cultural products (a catalogue or photographic documents), the development of cultural anthropological studies, the making of an itinerated exhibition and its presentation within several cultural centers of the country.


  • 1 study about the rites of passage, the behavioral customs and elements of tangible culture of the Roma communities from the Bălțesti, Dițești and Izvoare in  Prahova district; the research is available here:
  • 107 Roma people intervied
  • 1 itinerant exhibition with 2 presentations in Târgul Mureş and Constanţa).

Project in the media