Public procurement

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Facets of Hyperconnectivity

Project promoter: Many Colors Association
Project partner: "Brancoveanu Palaces" Cultural Center
Project value: 15,142.96 EUR
Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 60,345 lei (13,628.66 EUR)

Project summary

The project followed two main directions. The first one aimed at enhancing educational and professional development, focusing on the means of artistic expression in the context of interculturalism and on encouraging experiments in the visual arts. The second direction sought to create an open, interactive and cooperative environment for the general public and professional artists with various cultural backgrounds and from different generations or areas of art. The mobility of the work of art was essential for delivering the message of the project. A major component of the project focused on implementing strategies for attracting the public towards contemporary visual arts. The project "Facets of Hyperconnectivity" was in its third year of development.


  • 3 visual art exhibitions with 35 works of sculpture, installation, video and ceramic displayed;
  • 36 artists participating within the 3 exhibitions;
  • 2 workshops of bronze casting and ceramics and 4 visual artists involved;
  • 1interactive performance promoting 2 choreographers and 1 musician;
  • 1 experimental music event - "Sâmbăta Sonoră" - and 3 musicians involved.


See the project catalogue here.

The project making of is available here:




Project in the media