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Intercultural Connections – The young discover their cultural heritage

Project promoter: Eselnita Community Asociation „Cazanele Dunării”

Project value: 16,729.75 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 66,170 lei (14,996.03 EUR)


Project summary

This project aimed at highlighting and promoting cultural history of minorities in the south-west of Romania, including the Roma minority; making informative materials about these minorities, and last but not least, organizing of multicultural events involving representatives of ethnic minorities, exchanges, workshops and intercultural dialogue. Thus, the project was the first intercultural initiative from the area of Clisura Dunării where young people and ethnic community members (Czech, Roma, German, and Serb) got together to understand each other’s diversity and to explore the cultural rich human and cultural resources.

Facts & figures

  • 1 touristic and cultural guide of the region of Clisura Dunării available online here;
  • 4 thematic community workshops in 4 villages: Svinița, Eșelnița, Orșova and Eibenthal;
  • 23 young volunteers from 5 ethnic minorities involved in the cultural documentation of the region;
  • 1 training of 3 days on cultural dialogue organized for the young people selected in the project;
  • 1 mobile photography exhibition The forgotten story behind the images itinerated in 4 Danube communities.


The multiculturalism of the Clisura Dunării region is visually represented here.


Project in the media