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Tandem Dance

Project promoter: TANDEM Association

Project partner: Kjersti Engebrigtsen Dance

Project value: 14,830.16 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 59,098 lei (13,347.03 EUR)


Project summary

The idea of the Tandem Dance project was to bring together, throughout a one-week intensive seminar, 15 visually impaired people and 15 professional dancers and dance teachers to work in mixt groups with the purpose of setting the basis for a new form of artistic expression. The project involved both a Norwegian choreographer and Romanian dancers and choreographer within an artistic experiment that made use of two important art forms: music and dance. The Norwegian partner, Kjersti Engebrigtsen, is a renowned professional with over 30 years experience in working with visually impaired individuals.

Facts & figures

  • 1 seminary and round table ”Liberating the Body of the Visually Impaired Through Dance” touching upon the need for corporal expresivity for the blind, various methods used to transmit movement to visually impaired children and adults;
  • 15 dance workshops coordinated by Mrs. Engebrigtsen, a famous Norwegian dancer;
  • the participants were blind and visually impaired: 10 adults and 5 children, 5 dancers and 5 guests, teachers from various private dance schools in Bucharest;
  • 1 movie created to be sent to all the schools for the blind and the branches of the Association for the Blind in Romania.


Watch an emotional making-of the project here.


Project in the media