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Bucovina Wedding traditional dances

Project promoter: Kozaciok Cultural Association

Project value: 15,095.84 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 59,182.50 lei (13,435.30 EUR)


Project summary

The general objective of the project aimed to promote cultural diversity and improve intercultural dialogue by means of discovering specific traditions pertaining to ethnic groups in Bucovina. Through its activities, the project entailed the following:

  • presenting wedding traditions of the Bucovina ethnic groups (Romanian, Ukrainian, Roma, Polish) within one common event (the Bucovina Wedding traditional dances show);
  • identifying unique wedding traditions specific to each ethnic group and promoting them within a photo exhibition;
  • organizing common events bringing together ethnic representatives with the purpose of debating the general theme of preserving and promoting specific traditions, but also identifying collaboration opportunities.

Facts & figures

Workshop “The Minority youth encouraged to preserve their traditions”

  • 1 workshop with 20 representatives of the minorities in Bucovina: Ukrainians, Russian-Lipovans and Roma;

Photo exhibition publicly displaying the specificity of minority groups in Bucovina;

“Traditional dance at Bucovina wedding” show

  • 150 guests from 9 music and dance groups coming from 8 villages all over Bucovina performing on the scene;
  • 300 people enjoying the show.


Find out more about folk traditions and customs, multiethnicity, dedicated teachers and cheerful children here.


Project in the media