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Bilateral relations

You should know that…

The Programme Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage should conduct to the strengthening of the bilateral cooperation in what concerns cultural dialogue and diversity in culture and arts.

The Fund for bilateral relations is an integral part of the Programme. The main objectives of the Fund refer to:

  • increasing cooperation between organizations and institutions from Romania and the Donor States;
  • improving mutual knowledge and understanding;
  • sharing results of implemented activities.

Here is what you can do…

There are two directions of the Fund:

Measure A - Partnership development/building – the search for potential partners from Donor States prior to or during the preparation of a project application, the development of such partnerships and the preparation of a project application for a donor partnership project;

Measure B - Networking and exchange of experience – networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practices between Project promoters and entities from Donor States. These activities will be organised following the decision to finance a project.

The total budget for bilateral relations within the Programme is 120,332 EUR.

Consider the following…

Because bilateral relations will be a priority in the selection criteria of the Programme, collaboration between Romanian and Donor States partners will be encouraged and supported.

Project promoters are defined as public or private entities, commercial or non-commercial, as well as non-governmental organisations from Romania, having the responsibility for initiating, preparing and implementing a project.
Project partners from Donor States are public or private entities, commercial or non-commercial, non-governmental organisations contributing to the implementation of a project.
The Fund for bilateral relations - Measure A encourages the preparation and financing of a partnership project.

Thus, the financial support provided by the Fund stimulates both:

  • project promoters from Romania to search for potential partners in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein and
  • potential partners from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to search for organisations from Romania in order to prepare and implement partnership projects.

Should the search be successful, the promoter will sign a partnership agreement with the project partner.

Partnership projects will be an advantage. Selection criteria will contain extra points for projects involving partnerships between Romanian and cultural operators from Donor States.

For a successful project, start searching for a suitable partner!

For more information on open calls for bilateral relations, go to bilateral relations.