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Positive aspects of migration: Roma women and Roma craftsmen as agents of change

Project promoter: Eurocentrica Association

Project budget: 71,619 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA grant and 15% national budget): 64.457,52 EUR


Project summary

The project Positive aspects of migration: Roma women and Roma craftsmen as agents of change highlighted the positive effects of Roma migration phenomenon. Thus, the project aimed at: documenting the Roma cultural history and determining a better understanding of cultural diversity by means of a research study on the positive impact of migration and the emancipation of the Roma women; enhancing a better understanding of cultural diversity and consolidating the intercultural dialogue by means of promoting the Roma traditional handicraft within two festivals organized in Norway, as well as consolidating public access to the Roma culture by means of the research dissemination and festival organization.

Facts & figures

  • 1 desk and field research about the conditions of women within the Roma communities, concluding that: “within the context of migration, the evolution of the Roma women status is not extraordinary, yet it contributes to the strengthening of emancipation by diminishing domestic violence, by involvement in occupations similar to those practiced by men and by participation to decision making in matters that relate to family”; the research is available here;
  • 2 crafts festivals about Roma culture organized in Norway: Oslo and Fredrikstad;
  • 500 participants to displaying of crafts, photography exhibitions and study report presentation;
  • 5 videos that envisage 5 traditional crafts practiced by Roma ethnics (coppersmith, woodcarver, basket weaver, blacksmith and silver jeweler) available also online.   


“Coppersmith, woodcarver, basket weaver,  blacksmith and silver jeweler make up for 5 Roma handicraft  videotaped with the purpose of determining a better understanding of the cultural diversity, consolidating both the intercultural dialogue and the public access to the culture, traditions and handicraft of the Roma from Romania.”

The 5 video materials can be viewed here:


Basket weaver:

Silver jewelers:





