Project promoter: 4 Culture Association
Project partners:
Project value: 199,424 EUR
Grant value (85% Grant SEE and 15% national budget): 793,403 lei (179,482.64 EUR)
Foreign Bodies project was developed around the concepts of “foreign body” and “periphery” and involved a strong partnership contributing with international expertise to enhance artistic mobility in a context in which migration is seen as an important phenomenon of the society. Geographically situated at the European boarder, the partner countries are developing a cooperation project, with activities addressing both dance specialists (artists and cultural facilitators) and the large audience. The concept of “periphery” is seen from the project’s perspective, geographically and economically influencing the development of certain groups within the society, and also their access to education and culture. The project took place in Bucharest/RO, Oslo/NO and Reykjavik/IS and included workshops, coaching projects, conferences, residencies, productions and presentations of dance and film.
The documentary speaking about foreign bodies as “(dis)located bodies”, alienation, periphery, discrimination and human rights is available here.