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Art in Diversity

Project promoter: O Șansă pentru Viitor Association

Project value: 16,467.81 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 65,000 lei (14,755.96 EUR)


Project summary

Romania is home to people from different parts of the world who brought along their arts, traditions and customs.

This project acknowledged the importance of joint knowledge as a factor in world’s fight for reducing the discrimination cases’ number. A better understanding and cooperation among minorities and the majority population may help to overcome stereotypes and prejudices that hang over various national minorities.

Thus, the project aimed to promote the multicultural values of minorities living in Romania, by following the interplay between the cultures of minorities coming from different geographical spaces with different social and economic particularities which are constantly growing and changing.


  • 1 magazine - Art in diversity – published in 4 editions and a total of 4,500 copies; the magazine is available here
  • 1 online platform;
  • 41 ethnic artists interviewed; 
  • 4 debates on multiculturalism organized. 



Project in the media