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Culture in the park

Project promoter: Bucovina Guides Association

Project value: 14,934.17 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 59,206.50 lei (13,440.75 EUR)


Project summary

The complexity of the present generations implies a variety of cultural manifestations, whereas most of them have lesser and lesser to do with traditions and customs, causing the deterioration of the original culture. Therefore, it is of absolute importance to rediscover and expose the young generations to local values and traditions by means of crafts, culture and local people. Moreover, in the context of ethnic and cultural diversity, the consolidation of minority relations should become a priority.

The general objective of the project related to the creation and preservation of all necessary conditions for preserving, developing and asserting of minority identity, especially Roma culture, contributing to the consolidation of ethnic dialogue and promotion of young artists. Cultural nights in the park constituted a perfect opportunity for consolidating the relations between the majority population and existing minorities. Within the project, activities involved exhibitions, traditional dance shows, cultural gatherings and a food workshop.  

Facts & figures

  • 1 festival with 1,000 participants;
  • 110 photos and 16 paintings exhibited;
  • 13 artists involved in the exhibition;
  • 12 short videos about the ethnics of Bukovina;
  • 23 specific dishes presented;
  • 90 music and dance artists performing on stage and 7 traditional dances presented.



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