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Roma Culture - Learn. Explore. Experiment

Project promoter: Romano ButiQAssociation

Project partners: HL-Centre – Centre for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities

Project value: 198,865 EUR

Grant value (85% Grant SEE și 15% national buget): 791.175 lei (178,978.69 EUR)


Project summary

The project aimed at reducing the knowledge gaps related to Roma history and culture that lead to discriminatory attitudes. Thus, trough the project a research center was established to provide objective and qualitative information, representations of Roma culture and its patrimony by three thematic exhibitions displayed in an adequate space, a contribution to improving the relations between Roma and non-Roma, through direct participation of the public in all project activities.

Facts & figures

  • 1 documentation centre created with over 2,000 study resources (books, magazines, documents etc.);
  • 34 local and international artists involved in the project activities;
  • 3 work sessions and 3 artistic temporary thematic exhibitions;
  • 1 multi-artistic event, including visual and music installations. 


The making of the Roma Culture- Learn.Explore. Experiment project is available here:


Project in the media