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International seminar on impact of PA17 Programme implementation
International seminar on impact of PA17 Programme implementation

The seminar took place between September 20 – 21st 2017 in Bucharest and aimed at facilitating the exchange of experience and good practices in the cultural field.


Matchmaking event for partnership development – PA17/RO13
Matchmaking event for partnership development

The Ministry of Culture from Romania, through the Project Management Unit, acting as Programme Operator for PA17/RO13 ”Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage”, in partnership with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Romania and Arts Council Norway, organized a seminar aimed at identifying potential partners for the development of partnership projects.


Evenimentul de lansare a Programului PA17 / RO13 „Promovarea diversității în cultură și artă în cadrul patrimoniului cultural european” din 4.11.2013
Launching event of the Programme PA17/RO13 “Promotion of diversity in culture and arts within European cultural heritage”

The event took place on Monday, November 4th 2013, at the National Library of Romania, Room “Mircea Eliade”. The financial aid is granted to Romania through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and supports the promotion of the Romanian cultural diversity within the European heritage.
