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European Cultural Diversity Hub

Project promotor: Gilding Association of Sibiu

Project partners:

  • ASTRA National Museum Complex - Sibiu
  • Copșa Mică Municipality

Project value: 171,950 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grants and 15% national budget): 670,263 lei (151,729.19 EUR)


Project summary

European Cultural Diversity Hub aimed at turning cultural and natural heritage into a key element in terms of preserving the identity of local and national cultural values, sustainable development and social cohesion and inclusion.

A local structure was created that will, on the long term, guide, skill and assist the community in finding real solutions and sustainable revenue diversification in order to improve general living conditions.

The project activities contributed to the development of human resource capacities in Târnăvioara by facilitating access to professional training in traditional crafts (woodwork, metalwork , house restoring etc.).

The main beneficiary of the project was the local community of Târnăvioara, especially the Roma minority which represents 60% of the community. Thus, the project is a good practice example regarding social inclusion and economic development together with the protection of traditional handcrafts and the promotion of cultural diversity.


The video for the traditional wood processing workshop is available here:

Watch the video for the traditional metal processing workshop here:


Project in the media