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Cultural diversity beyond city boundaries, in Sinaia

Project promoter: „Carmen Sylva” Cultural Center, Sinaia

Project value: 14,987.51 EUR

Grant value (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget): 66,020.00 lei (14,987.51 EUR)


Project summary

The project aimed at offering those interested in traditional arts and crafts activities designed to facilitate an experience marked by unity in diversity. The project activities were organized in the „Dimitrie Ghica” park throughout a 7-day event that reunited, within a variety of workshops, arts and crafts from Romania, Macedonia, Turkey and UK. Different techniques will be displayed: wood and glass sculpture, embroidery frame fabrics, brackets, bone and animal horn sculpture, heavy metal and wood manufacturing, copper and silver sculpture, pottery and ceramics, quilling 3d effect, felting, marbling, Romanian ie embroidery. All of the results were included within a permanent exhibition at the „Carmen Sylva” Cultural Center in Sinaia.


  • 6 foreign craftsmen and 20 Romanian craftsmen invited;
  • 1 cultural event organised;
  • 500 students participating to the interactive workshops;
  • 1 permanent exhibition organised;
  • 6 Roma craftsmen involved in the project;
  • 1 video presenting the project.


View the project making-of here:


Project in the media